JANUARY 30, 2022
Join us March 23, 2022, 6:30pm
American Dream Mall
Nickelodeon Universe
East Rutherford, NJ

Our community has many shared values. Among them are the importance of a strong, vibrant, engaging Jewish education. The SAR Dinner campaign provides critical funds so that every child can have a place at our school, and so that we can say 'Yes' to all the programs and activities that help to elevate the SAR experience.
Campaign Donors
Bonus - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
SAR is celebrating the
Wonder of it All!
NEW DATE: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022
Join us at the SAR Dinner on March 23rd so that together we pay tribute to our honorees, all who have contributed to making SAR a place where wonderful things happen. After a year of distance, we hope you will join us and experience the joy, excitement, and wonder of being together again for a magical evening at the American Dream Mall.

Guests of Honor
Adeena and David (AC‘90) Rosen
Michael Schreck
Community Service Award
Dr. Joshua Milner
Audrey Schurgin Memorial
Faculty Award
Dr. Chaya Fine
SAR Academy
Audrey Schurgin Memorial
Faculty Award
Merav Zuriel
SAR High School
With your support, we will celebrate the wonder, spirit, and compassion of our community that powers the SAR experience.
That is the Wonder of it All.
Adina & Lawrence Burian and Rebecca & Yehuda Shmidman
SAR Dinner Co-Chairs

Adeena & David (AC '90) Rosen
Guests of Honor
Adeena and David are among SAR’s most dedicated and involved volunteers. For years they have invested their time and passion to ensure SAR continues to provide opportunity, world-class education, and commitment to Torah and Mitzvot for generations of students.
David recognized the importance of dedication at an early age when writing in his SAR 1990 yearbook: “We will all try in our lifetime to do the right thing, and serve G-d as best we can.” He and Adeena have lived by these words and have made their commitment to their children and all the students of SAR a priority.
Adeena and David co-chaired two SAR Dinners, first in 2014 and then again in 2015. Both Dinners attracted nearly 1,000 guests and raised $800,000.
Adeena co-chaired the Academy’s Parent-Teacher Council (PTC) for three academic years from 2011 through 2014. She also co-chaired the Rabbi William Z. and Eda Bess Novick z”l Yom HaAtzmaut Celebration in 2015, and together with David continues to sponsor the annual festivities.
Currently, Adeena volunteers three half-days a week supporting the first grade team, and helping to run the grade’s Clubhouse, their After School program. In previous years, Adeena served as advisor for the After School Drama Class, producing and directing the Academy’s first production in Ivrit, Aladdin!, along with Annie and Lion King in ensuing years.
Adeena and David are parents to Aviel (AC ‘18, HS ‘22), Clara (AC ‘20, HS ‘24), Elijah (AC ‘24) and Noa (AC ‘21, HS ‘25). The family resides in Scarsdale where they are active congregants at Young Israel Scarsdale (YIS). Adeena is in a band “The Subourbons” with fellow YIS members, and recently joined the Board of Trustees of the Kehilah of Riverdale. David is a partner/founder, Rubric Capital Management, and was one of Institutional Investor’s 2018 Hedge Fund Rising Stars.
For the Rosens, SAR is a family affair. Both have siblings who are parents at SAR, and their parents, Rose and Daniel Shames, and Judy and Stuart Rosen, are often in attendance at SAR programs both virtual and in-person!

Dr. Joshua Milner
Michael Schreck Memorial Community Service Award
Dr. Joshua Milner, one of SAR’s Medical Advisory Team members, has been a steadfast source of counsel and support to the school since the pandemic emerged in March 2020.
Volunteering his time to guide and collaborate with SAR administrators, nurses, and community members, Josh has played a critical role ensuring the health and safety of the SAR community. He provides direction on myriad Covid-19 related issues, including quarantine, vaccine eligibility, contact tracing, and immune system responses.
He also responds, often immediately, to questions that arise regarding exposures, travel, interactions with unvaccinated family members and friends, and related confidential questions. As an allergist and member of an advisory committee to the CDC on adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine, he has consulted with SAR and families regarding concerns about allergies and other reactions to the vaccine. As an immunologist, whose research team was first in the US to identify the COVID-related Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), he has advised on natural and vaccine related immunity, and conditions which might predispose to, or result from, significant COVID infection.
Josh was a member of SAR’s Coronavirus Hotline Team, and has been a primary contributor to the SAR Covid Algorithm, SAR Covid Testing Resources Guide, and SAR Academy and SAR High School’s Fall 2020 Reopening Guide.
His expertise, combined with his humility and approachability, brilliant sense of humor, tremendous patience, and generous nature, is an invaluable resource to SAR.
Josh is a Pediatric Allergist/Immunologist and an internationally renowned physician-scientist. Prior to moving to New York (soon before COVID emerged), he was chief of the Laboratory of Allergic Diseases in the NIAID at the NIH. His research has uncovered genetic and mechanistic underpinnings of allergic and immunologic diseases in children and adults. He is currently Professor of Pediatrics in the Institute for Genomic Medicine and Director of the Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology in the Department of Pediatrics at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Josh and his wife Aliza Sperling are parents to Moed, Yona (HS ‘22), Batya (AC ‘21, HS ‘25), and Orly (AC ‘25). The family moved to Riverdale from Washington, D.C. two years ago and have been grateful to the SAR community for the warm welcome they have received. Josh is also the COVID medical advisor to a number of local congregations and other organizations. He can often be seen commuting by bicycle from his home, over the Henry Hudson Bridge, to work in Washington Heights.

Dr. Chaya Fine, SAR Academy
Audrey Schurgin Faculty Memorial Award
Dr. Chaya Fine, SAR Academy’s Director of Science Curriculum and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Initiative, has brought real-world applications to education, preparing students for both future academic pursuits and careers, stimulating curiosity, and critical thinking.
Chaya celebrates her 20th year at SAR in 2022, joining the Middle School Science Department in 2002. She served as Interim Associate Principal of General Studies in the Middle School in 2015, and resumed teaching Grade 7 science and assumed her role as Director and Science Department Chair the following year.
During her tenure, Chaya has incorporated STEM academics and co-curricula throughout the ELC to Grade 8; created STEAM Enrichment Clusters for Grade 1-3; co-directed the SAR STEM summer camp for students in Grades 3-5, including engineering, 3D printing, and coding/robotics; led FIRST LEGO league robotics competition for MIddle School students; taught online STEM programming during COVID; led the MakerXpo, combining tech and hands-on learning with creative spirit; served as a JNTP mentor to new teachers, and created the curriculum and taught anatomy, adolescent development, and reproduction to Middle School girls.
When it comes to curriculum, Chaya is a visionary. As Middle School Science Department chair, Chaya has overseen the overhaul of the science curriculum creating a skills-based one that engages students in scientific and design thinking. Through partnerships with CIJE and other organizations, Chaya has brought the best of science curricula to SAR. She is committed to seizing opportunities for meaningful learning.
For example, when we were thrust into the COVID pandemic, Chaya revamped the Grade 7 infectious disease unit to be a Project Based Learning culminating in a presentation to the SAR Medical Advisory board recommending that SAR mandate the Covid-19 vaccine based on months of research on the topic. Students initially engaged in rigorous debate on mandating the vaccine and ultimately decided, as a grade, to recommend mandating it based on a series of scientific, halachic, legal, and economic considerations.
Above all, Chaya is the ultimate collaborator, professional, and colleague. The energy and enthusiasm she brings to the Science and STEAM curricula is matched only by what she puts into her colleagues and students. Each initiative involves a tremendous inclusive and thoughtful partnership with a wide range of stakeholders.. Similarly, she approaches each child with patience, care and dignity, creating a classroom environment marked by the perfect balance of rich academic pursuit and the deep love and care that is SAR’s hallmark.
Chaya graduated from Yeshiva University-Stern College for Women and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She and her husband Samson live in Riverdale, where she serves on her co-op board and volunteers at the Riverdale Mikveh. They are parents to Azriel (AC ‘11) and Ellie, Yonatan (AC ‘14), Neima (AC ‘17), and Yedidya (AC ‘22). Chaya ran her first half marathon in March 2019 with SAR’s Team Power of Words.

Merav Zuriel, SAR High School
Audrey Schurgin Faculty Memorial Award
Merav Zuriel, Chair, SAR High School Ivrit Department, infuses SAR with a culture of Hebrew language. She works diligently for Ivrit to be integral to our institution both inside and outside of the classroom.
In 2005, Merav joined SAR as a faculty member, and became department chair in 2015. Leading a team of eight faculty members, all born and raised in Israel, she has been laser-focused on delivering gold standard classroom instruction and ensuring Ivrit plays a central role in both academics and co-curriculars. Merav is committed to Hebrew as an intrinsic part of our students’ lives today and into their future both here and in Medinat Yisrael. Training new teachers and setting quantifiable goals with them is a central part of her role and her passion.
As department chair, Merav was instrumental in creating and launching Kohav Nolad, SAR’s version of American Idol, which has become a school tradition in which both students and faculty participate. She introduced the High School’s student-run digital Ivrit magazine דבר הדבורה now called ,כוורת. Merav established the annual Yom Ivrit held on Eliezer Ben Yehuda’s birthday, and initiated צהריים ישראלים, a weekly Hebrew club taught by Ivrit staff offering students the opportunity to practice speaking the language in an informal environment. She was one of the leading creators of the conversational Hebrew curriculum for seniors and wrote the Hebrew literature curriculum for eleventh grade.
Merav studied at Yad Ben Zvi Institute, and received her M.E.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Alabama. She received her B.A. and B.ED. from Orot Israel College, and taught literature and history and was in charge of student activities at Yeshiva Elkhana for more than ten years before joining SAR.
Merav grew up in a small town called “Elkana” in שומרון Samaria (ההורים שלי מתיישבי השומרון) and went to school at the “Amana" (אולפנת אמנה) in Kfar Saba. She began studying drawing at a young age, and continues her passion to this day.
She and her husband Gal Nagar live on the Upper West Side and are parents to Roni (Grade 3). They are active members of the Chabad Israel Center of the Upper East Side, and spend each summer in Israel to be with family.

Dinner Chair
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Experience the “Wonder of it All” at SAR’s 53rd Anniversary Dinner, Wednesday night, March 23rd, at the incomparable American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, NJ.
Parents, faculty and staff, grandparents, alumni and friends are invited to celebrate SAR, and support the school’s largest fundraising campaign of the year.
Join us as we salute spectacular honorees, showcase our students’ experience, enjoy sumptuous food and drink, and even enjoy a thrill on several open rides at the ‘largest amusement park in the Western hemisphere!’ Take a ride with friends and colleagues in what is sure to be a one-of-a-kind SAR event.
Nickelodeon Universe Theme Park at American Dream Mall
1 American Dream Way (GPS Address)
East Rutherford, NJ
Please note, all guests must be vaccinated. Additional information to follow.
Dinner Committee
Dinner Chairs
Adina & Lawrence Burian
Rebecca & Yehuda Shmidman
Faculty Chairs
Tammy Jacobowitz
Lauryn Weiser
Journal Chairs
Marc Kramer
Risa Torkin
Catering Chair
Alyssa Wilk
Gifts Chairs
Talia Gollender (AC ‘93)
Tanya Wolf (AC ‘94)
Dinner Ambassadors
Dayna (AC ‘01) & Michael Fleisch
Diana & Michael Nahmias
Rebecca Brafman & David Max
Naomi (AC ‘03, HS ‘07) Cooper &
Ardon (AC ‘03, HS ‘07) Wiener
Tzipora (AC ‘04) & Gilad (AC ‘02) Bendheim
Dana & Josh (AC ‘02) Jerusalmi
Anat & Adam Goodman
Rebecca & Jonathan Nachmani
Elana & Simeon Siegel
1st Grade
Russi & Joseph Bohm
Jessica & Stuart Loeser
Julia & Elie Gittler
2nd Grade
Tali & Lance Carr
Sarah & Michael Grunfeld
3rd Grade
Caroline & Josh (AC ‘95) Berman
Sarah (AC ‘96) & Joshua Blechner
4th Grade
Michelle (AC ‘91) & Robert Zellner
Jessica & Jeremy Rosenblum
5th Grade
Dahlia & Moshe Bellows
Jill & Ami Goldfein
6th Grade
Ardra Belitz
Michelle & David Levine
7th Grade
Rebecca & Yehuda Shmidman
Allie Alperovich & Jeremy Simon
8th Grade
Michal & Moshe Abehsera
Adina & Tod Haller
9th Grade
Gayle Lewis & David Goldman
Aviva & David Mann
Marc Kramer & Jeffrey Richard
Danielle & Daniel Shamah
Tanya (AC ‘94) & Darren Wolf
10th Grade
Adina & Lawrence Burian
Michelle & Stefan Frank (AC ‘89)
Rachel & Jay Klein
Rachel (AC ‘90) & Harris Lukashok
Bonnie & Alan Pollard
Jessica Rezak Schwab & Yoni Schwab
11th Grade
Frances Zelazny & Allen Ganz
Adina & Lawrence Garbuz
Talia (AC ‘93) & Alen Gollender
Paris & Harry Stulbach
Danielle (AC ‘83) & Steven Thau (AC ‘82)
12th Grade
Michelle Brody & Hal Blumenfeld
Michelle Jasper-Brody
Laurie & Richard Wolff
Alumni Committee (In Formation)
Seth Botnick (AC '04, HS '08)
Drew Greenbaum (AC ’15, HS ’19)
Isaac Haberman (AC '08, HS '12)
Zev Hait (AC ’05, HS ’09)
Cynthia Greenberg Kollender (AC ’04, Hs ’08)
Zev Lindenbaum (HS ' 12)
Jamie Schneider Schwartz (AC ’04, HS 08)
Lizzy Brenner (AC ’08, HS ’12) & Sam Zakay (AC ’04, HS ’08)
Thanks to your generosity we have reached our goal!

SAR is celebrating the
Wonder of it All!
NEW DATE: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022
Join us at the SAR Dinner on March 23rd so that together we pay tribute to our honorees, all who have contributed to making SAR a place where wonderful things happen. After a year of distance, we hope you will join us and experience the joy, excitement, and wonder of being together again for a magical evening at the American Dream Mall.

Guests of Honor
Adeena and David (AC‘90) Rosen
Michael Schreck
Community Service Award
Dr. Joshua Milner
Audrey Schurgin Memorial
Faculty Award
Dr. Chaya Fine
SAR Academy
Audrey Schurgin Memorial
Faculty Award
Merav Zuriel
SAR High School
With your support, we will celebrate the wonder, spirit, and compassion of our community that powers the SAR experience.
That is the Wonder of it All.
Adina & Lawrence Burian and Rebecca & Yehuda Shmidman
SAR Dinner Co-Chairs

Adeena & David (AC '90) Rosen
Guests of Honor
Adeena and David are among SAR’s most dedicated and involved volunteers. For years they have invested their time and passion to ensure SAR continues to provide opportunity, world-class education, and commitment to Torah and Mitzvot for generations of students.
David recognized the importance of dedication at an early age when writing in his SAR 1990 yearbook: “We will all try in our lifetime to do the right thing, and serve G-d as best we can.” He and Adeena have lived by these words and have made their commitment to their children and all the students of SAR a priority.
Adeena and David co-chaired two SAR Dinners, first in 2014 and then again in 2015. Both Dinners attracted nearly 1,000 guests and raised $800,000.
Adeena co-chaired the Academy’s Parent-Teacher Council (PTC) for three academic years from 2011 through 2014. She also co-chaired the Rabbi William Z. and Eda Bess Novick z”l Yom HaAtzmaut Celebration in 2015, and together with David continues to sponsor the annual festivities.
Currently, Adeena volunteers three half-days a week supporting the first grade team, and helping to run the grade’s Clubhouse, their After School program. In previous years, Adeena served as advisor for the After School Drama Class, producing and directing the Academy’s first production in Ivrit, Aladdin!, along with Annie and Lion King in ensuing years.
Adeena and David are parents to Aviel (AC ‘18, HS ‘22), Clara (AC ‘20, HS ‘24), Elijah (AC ‘24) and Noa (AC ‘21, HS ‘25). The family resides in Scarsdale where they are active congregants at Young Israel Scarsdale (YIS). Adeena is in a band “The Subourbons” with fellow YIS members, and recently joined the Board of Trustees of the Kehilah of Riverdale. David is a partner/founder, Rubric Capital Management, and was one of Institutional Investor’s 2018 Hedge Fund Rising Stars.
For the Rosens, SAR is a family affair. Both have siblings who are parents at SAR, and their parents, Rose and Daniel Shames, and Judy and Stuart Rosen, are often in attendance at SAR programs both virtual and in-person!

Dr. Joshua Milner
Michael Schreck Memorial Community Service Award
Dr. Joshua Milner, one of SAR’s Medical Advisory Team members, has been a steadfast source of counsel and support to the school since the pandemic emerged in March 2020.
Volunteering his time to guide and collaborate with SAR administrators, nurses, and community members, Josh has played a critical role ensuring the health and safety of the SAR community. He provides direction on myriad Covid-19 related issues, including quarantine, vaccine eligibility, contact tracing, and immune system responses.
He also responds, often immediately, to questions that arise regarding exposures, travel, interactions with unvaccinated family members and friends, and related confidential questions. As an allergist and member of an advisory committee to the CDC on adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine, he has consulted with SAR and families regarding concerns about allergies and other reactions to the vaccine. As an immunologist, whose research team was first in the US to identify the COVID-related Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), he has advised on natural and vaccine related immunity, and conditions which might predispose to, or result from, significant COVID infection.
Josh was a member of SAR’s Coronavirus Hotline Team, and has been a primary contributor to the SAR Covid Algorithm, SAR Covid Testing Resources Guide, and SAR Academy and SAR High School’s Fall 2020 Reopening Guide.
His expertise, combined with his humility and approachability, brilliant sense of humor, tremendous patience, and generous nature, is an invaluable resource to SAR.
Josh is a Pediatric Allergist/Immunologist and an internationally renowned physician-scientist. Prior to moving to New York (soon before COVID emerged), he was chief of the Laboratory of Allergic Diseases in the NIAID at the NIH. His research has uncovered genetic and mechanistic underpinnings of allergic and immunologic diseases in children and adults. He is currently Professor of Pediatrics in the Institute for Genomic Medicine and Director of the Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology in the Department of Pediatrics at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Josh and his wife Aliza Sperling are parents to Moed, Yona (HS ‘22), Batya (AC ‘21, HS ‘25), and Orly (AC ‘25). The family moved to Riverdale from Washington, D.C. two years ago and have been grateful to the SAR community for the warm welcome they have received. Josh is also the COVID medical advisor to a number of local congregations and other organizations. He can often be seen commuting by bicycle from his home, over the Henry Hudson Bridge, to work in Washington Heights.

Dr. Chaya Fine, SAR Academy
Audrey Schurgin Faculty Memorial Award
Dr. Chaya Fine, SAR Academy’s Director of Science Curriculum and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Initiative, has brought real-world applications to education, preparing students for both future academic pursuits and careers, stimulating curiosity, and critical thinking.
Chaya celebrates her 20th year at SAR in 2022, joining the Middle School Science Department in 2002. She served as Interim Associate Principal of General Studies in the Middle School in 2015, and resumed teaching Grade 7 science and assumed her role as Director and Science Department Chair the following year.
During her tenure, Chaya has incorporated STEM academics and co-curricula throughout the ELC to Grade 8; created STEAM Enrichment Clusters for Grade 1-3; co-directed the SAR STEM summer camp for students in Grades 3-5, including engineering, 3D printing, and coding/robotics; led FIRST LEGO league robotics competition for MIddle School students; taught online STEM programming during COVID; led the MakerXpo, combining tech and hands-on learning with creative spirit; served as a JNTP mentor to new teachers, and created the curriculum and taught anatomy, adolescent development, and reproduction to Middle School girls.
When it comes to curriculum, Chaya is a visionary. As Middle School Science Department chair, Chaya has overseen the overhaul of the science curriculum creating a skills-based one that engages students in scientific and design thinking. Through partnerships with CIJE and other organizations, Chaya has brought the best of science curricula to SAR. She is committed to seizing opportunities for meaningful learning.
For example, when we were thrust into the COVID pandemic, Chaya revamped the Grade 7 infectious disease unit to be a Project Based Learning culminating in a presentation to the SAR Medical Advisory board recommending that SAR mandate the Covid-19 vaccine based on months of research on the topic. Students initially engaged in rigorous debate on mandating the vaccine and ultimately decided, as a grade, to recommend mandating it based on a series of scientific, halachic, legal, and economic considerations.
Above all, Chaya is the ultimate collaborator, professional, and colleague. The energy and enthusiasm she brings to the Science and STEAM curricula is matched only by what she puts into her colleagues and students. Each initiative involves a tremendous inclusive and thoughtful partnership with a wide range of stakeholders.. Similarly, she approaches each child with patience, care and dignity, creating a classroom environment marked by the perfect balance of rich academic pursuit and the deep love and care that is SAR’s hallmark.
Chaya graduated from Yeshiva University-Stern College for Women and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She and her husband Samson live in Riverdale, where she serves on her co-op board and volunteers at the Riverdale Mikveh. They are parents to Azriel (AC ‘11) and Ellie, Yonatan (AC ‘14), Neima (AC ‘17), and Yedidya (AC ‘22). Chaya ran her first half marathon in March 2019 with SAR’s Team Power of Words.

Merav Zuriel, SAR High School
Audrey Schurgin Faculty Memorial Award
Merav Zuriel, Chair, SAR High School Ivrit Department, infuses SAR with a culture of Hebrew language. She works diligently for Ivrit to be integral to our institution both inside and outside of the classroom.
In 2005, Merav joined SAR as a faculty member, and became department chair in 2015. Leading a team of eight faculty members, all born and raised in Israel, she has been laser-focused on delivering gold standard classroom instruction and ensuring Ivrit plays a central role in both academics and co-curriculars. Merav is committed to Hebrew as an intrinsic part of our students’ lives today and into their future both here and in Medinat Yisrael. Training new teachers and setting quantifiable goals with them is a central part of her role and her passion.
As department chair, Merav was instrumental in creating and launching Kohav Nolad, SAR’s version of American Idol, which has become a school tradition in which both students and faculty participate. She introduced the High School’s student-run digital Ivrit magazine דבר הדבורה now called ,כוורת. Merav established the annual Yom Ivrit held on Eliezer Ben Yehuda’s birthday, and initiated צהריים ישראלים, a weekly Hebrew club taught by Ivrit staff offering students the opportunity to practice speaking the language in an informal environment. She was one of the leading creators of the conversational Hebrew curriculum for seniors and wrote the Hebrew literature curriculum for eleventh grade.
Merav studied at Yad Ben Zvi Institute, and received her M.E.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Alabama. She received her B.A. and B.ED. from Orot Israel College, and taught literature and history and was in charge of student activities at Yeshiva Elkhana for more than ten years before joining SAR.
Merav grew up in a small town called “Elkana” in שומרון Samaria (ההורים שלי מתיישבי השומרון) and went to school at the “Amana" (אולפנת אמנה) in Kfar Saba. She began studying drawing at a young age, and continues her passion to this day.
She and her husband Gal Nagar live on the Upper West Side and are parents to Roni (Grade 3). They are active members of the Chabad Israel Center of the Upper East Side, and spend each summer in Israel to be with family.

Dinner Chair
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Experience the “Wonder of it All” at SAR’s 53rd Anniversary Dinner, Wednesday night, March 23rd, at the incomparable American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, NJ.
Parents, faculty and staff, grandparents, alumni and friends are invited to celebrate SAR, and support the school’s largest fundraising campaign of the year.
Join us as we salute spectacular honorees, showcase our students’ experience, enjoy sumptuous food and drink, and even enjoy a thrill on several open rides at the ‘largest amusement park in the Western hemisphere!’ Take a ride with friends and colleagues in what is sure to be a one-of-a-kind SAR event.
Nickelodeon Universe Theme Park at American Dream Mall
1 American Dream Way (GPS Address)
East Rutherford, NJ
Please note, all guests must be vaccinated. Additional information to follow.
Dinner Committee
Dinner Chairs
Adina & Lawrence Burian
Rebecca & Yehuda Shmidman
Faculty Chairs
Tammy Jacobowitz
Lauryn Weiser
Journal Chairs
Marc Kramer
Risa Torkin
Catering Chair
Alyssa Wilk
Gifts Chairs
Talia Gollender (AC ‘93)
Tanya Wolf (AC ‘94)
Dinner Ambassadors
Dayna (AC ‘01) & Michael Fleisch
Diana & Michael Nahmias
Rebecca Brafman & David Max
Naomi (AC ‘03, HS ‘07) Cooper &
Ardon (AC ‘03, HS ‘07) Wiener
Tzipora (AC ‘04) & Gilad (AC ‘02) Bendheim
Dana & Josh (AC ‘02) Jerusalmi
Anat & Adam Goodman
Rebecca & Jonathan Nachmani
Elana & Simeon Siegel
1st Grade
Russi & Joseph Bohm
Jessica & Stuart Loeser
Julia & Elie Gittler
2nd Grade
Tali & Lance Carr
Sarah & Michael Grunfeld
3rd Grade
Caroline & Josh (AC ‘95) Berman
Sarah (AC ‘96) & Joshua Blechner
4th Grade
Michelle (AC ‘91) & Robert Zellner
Jessica & Jeremy Rosenblum
5th Grade
Dahlia & Moshe Bellows
Jill & Ami Goldfein
6th Grade
Ardra Belitz
Michelle & David Levine
7th Grade
Rebecca & Yehuda Shmidman
Allie Alperovich & Jeremy Simon
8th Grade
Michal & Moshe Abehsera
Adina & Tod Haller
9th Grade
Gayle Lewis & David Goldman
Aviva & David Mann
Marc Kramer & Jeffrey Richard
Danielle & Daniel Shamah
Tanya (AC ‘94) & Darren Wolf
10th Grade
Adina & Lawrence Burian
Michelle & Stefan Frank (AC ‘89)
Rachel & Jay Klein
Rachel (AC ‘90) & Harris Lukashok
Bonnie & Alan Pollard
Jessica Rezak Schwab & Yoni Schwab
11th Grade
Frances Zelazny & Allen Ganz
Adina & Lawrence Garbuz
Talia (AC ‘93) & Alen Gollender
Paris & Harry Stulbach
Danielle (AC ‘83) & Steven Thau (AC ‘82)
12th Grade
Michelle Brody & Hal Blumenfeld
Michelle Jasper-Brody
Laurie & Richard Wolff
Alumni Committee (In Formation)
Seth Botnick (AC '04, HS '08)
Drew Greenbaum (AC ’15, HS ’19)
Isaac Haberman (AC '08, HS '12)
Zev Hait (AC ’05, HS ’09)
Cynthia Greenberg Kollender (AC ’04, Hs ’08)
Zev Lindenbaum (HS ' 12)
Jamie Schneider Schwartz (AC ’04, HS 08)
Lizzy Brenner (AC ’08, HS ’12) & Sam Zakay (AC ’04, HS ’08)